KAUROUGH belts are suitable for carrying manufactured products, baggage, parcels, sacks etc. both horizontally and inclined. Its rough surface gives it a great coefficient of friction with the product carried, and absorbs any possible impact or vibration.
They are also used for various applications such as lifting boats in amusement parks.
Características de la carcasa
La carcasa de la banda KAUROUGHR es de tipo multicapa textil de tejido de poliéster en urdimbre y poliamida en trama (EP). Para ver las características de este tipo de carcasa consulte el capítulo KAUTEX.
Within this range of casings, there are standard types with one or two transverse weaves, which can be rigid, where appropriate, which favors applications such as bucket elevators, belts with flat installation resistant to impacts and longitudinal tears (log transport, etc.), and with the additional advantage of being able to be applied in the entire range of resistances and routes of the conventional multi-layer EP textile belt. It presents a significant improvement when it comes to breaking resistance and high transport lengths since, in addition to not having a significant cost difference, it allows the lengths of the tensioners, the diameters of the drums and the energy consumed by the installation to be reduced.
Its rough surface gives it a great coefficient of friction with the product carried, and absorbs any possible impact or vibration.
Its rough surface gives it a great coefficient of friction with the product carried, and absorbs any possible impact or vibration.